LiveSafe App Fails to Keep Students Informed

By Laura Null
Staff Writer

After recent events that have happened on campus, students are concerned for their safety.

The Official ESU Email sent a campus safety alert for Feb. 1 stating, “There is conflicting information on the exact nature of the incident, but we know that the assault began in front of Shawnee Hall as the victim was walking from the Mattioli Recreation Center.”

Some students are questioning why a safety alert was not sent out right when ESU police were called to the scene of the assault on Jan. 31.

Senior Francis Abbamonte said, “It was questionable why an alert wasn’t sent out right away, even if they didn’t know what was going on, students should have been made aware that an incident happen.”

Abbamonte continued saying, “I drove past multiple police cars around 10:15 at night down normal and was unaware of what was going on.”

Following the sirens and police lights on campus, around 11 p.m. Wednesday multiple students began taking their voice to Twitter, saying there was a “stabbing” on campus and their building was on “lock down.”

At this time there was no information released from the university to know whether these tweets were true or rumors.

Additionally, ESU wants students to download the LiveSafe App and use it for emergencies, but the university isn’t even using it themselves.

Before and after the assault last Wednesday night not one alert or update was used through the LiveSafe App, only ESU email.

Don’t get me wrong the LiveSafe App does have its benefits for anonymously reporting tips, emergency walk options and a useful digital map around campus.

But ESU and the use of LiveSafe are contradicting one another.

In another Official ESU Email sent out ESU gave “Safety Measures & Tips” and advised students to “Avoid using distracting technology such as smart phones, or anything that will decrease your awareness.”

So, students are left with questioning to have the app handy and ready at all times or avoid distracting technology.

Continuing, some irony was found after the Wednesday night incident wasn’t reports and the LiveSafe App wasn’t utilized.

On Twitter at 11:19 p.m., ESU Student Senate released a tweet saying, “A reminder for all WARRIORS to download the LiveSafe App to help us all stay safe on campus.”

One could argue that the student run radio station 90.3 WESS had a quicker and better response than the University and Student Senate.

90.3 WESS tweeted, “On behalf of all of us at WESS, we urge all students to stay inside tonight and use caution if you decide to go out. WESS has spoken to witnesses, there has been an alleged stabbing on campus.

If you have any info please contact ESU police. Stay safe, Warriors!”

Another issue ESU may run into with the LiveSafe App is the connecting in and out of WiFi.

Walking from building to building the WiFi can disconnect easily.

If a student is doing a safe walk to the Fine Arts building or Gwendolyn, there is the possibility of losing connected or service if the person using the App does not have data.

Further, Graduate Assistant Dylan Matsago said, “Residence Halls and various other departments on campus are asking for LiveSafe demonstrations/presentations.

It’s critical that not only students, but faculty understand the functions that LiveSafe has to offer to all of our students at ESU.”

Matsago went on explaining the App saying, “Two of the main functions student will use are the Safe Walk and Safety Escort.

Safety Walk allows a friend to watch you walk, whereas Safety Escorts calls the University Police, where they will escort you to the direction you desire.

The LiveSafe app is not just for emergencies but can be used for non-emergency responses such as theft or vandalism.” Thus, the question for the University is why wasn’t it used already?

And when will the LiveSafe App be used for safety alerts notifications?

(Reach out to university and ask if they have any comments about the app and if they plan to use it for emergency notations or stick to email?)

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