By Kate Conklin
SC Staff Writer
It’s not often that a fresh, new hip-hop artist is featured at the Sherman. ESU students were thrilled to hear the news that Big Sean was coming to Main Street. He performed at the Sherman Theater last Friday, March 30th. The concert was a bargain at just $10 for ESU students.
For those of you who don’t know, Big Sean is a popular up-and-coming rap artist from Detroit. He arrived on the scene last spring with his hit “My Last,” featuring Chris Brown. Other singles, such as “Marvin Gay and Chardonnay” and “Dance” followed. Big Sean has collaborated with many notable artists, including Wale, Nicki Minaj, and Kanye West.
Friday’s concert began at 6pm; Big Sean took the stage around 8pm. I interviewed several East Stroudsburg students who attended that night. Their opinions didn’t vary much. Everyone seemed to have a general complaint about the concert being too short:
“I couldn’t really see Big Sean, and the concert was way too short. He hardly performed any songs, and there were too many high school kids there,” said Jessie Bachman, a junior.
Megan Powell, a junior, said, “It was short, and I couldn’t hear anything!”
A group of sophomore boys who attended were also not impressed with the show. One said, “It was too short. I think he needed some better songs, and I would’ve been more entertained if there was an opening act, too, not just a DJ.”
“I think it was too crowded!” another one of the sophomores stated. “It definitely could have been better if it was longer. I had a hard time seeing him too; he stayed on one side of the stage too much.”

The student who summed up the concert best simply stated, “I got what I paid for.”
Other voiced complaints had more to do with the venue rather than the artist himself, like the crowd and possible microphone problems.
Big Sean had recently finished touring with Trey songs. His busy schedule and the price might have been the reason for the length of the concert.
Overall, maybe students’ expectations for the $10 concert were just set too high.
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