By Ashley Mertel
SC Staff Writer
Students gathered in the Keystone room on Thursday, October 18 to celebrate the German Club’s second annual Oktoberfest.
Members of ESU’s German Club were pleased with the turnout. The doors of the Keystone room opened for the event at 2PM on Thursday, and from the start there were roughly fifty students filling tables, playing games and enjoying the festive setting.
The German folk tunes of The Jolly Rheinlaenders enticed the audience with authentic Oktoberfest music, even getting the crowed involved with some of the songs. To authenticate the German feel, some members of the club dressed in typical Oktoberfest attire. Club member Jessica Heitzman wore her dirndl, which is a dress that consists of a wide skirted bottom and a tight waste.
Oktoberfest is a celebration held in Munich, Bavaria, Germany each year. At the Germany event, more than six million people turn out to celebrate the tradition that started back in 1810. There, Oktoberfest is a sixteen-day festival held at the end of September that involves lots of beer. Tents are set up all around. Most of which offer the guests different types of lager.
Though ESU’s German Club’s rendition of Oktoberfest lacked lager, it made up for it with their cuisine offerings. Club member Krystal Suhok worked the desert table, which consisted of some delicacies, such as apple crisps, German chocolate, oatmeal cookies and more. Another table had common German foods such as kielbasa, sauerkraut, Wiener schnitzel and potato pancakes. ESU student Jordan Frazier complimented the chefs and stated, “The food tasted great.” Ryan Fay, another ESU student, backed Frazier and stated, “The food was fantastic and delicious. The best part was that it was free. I will defiantly make it a point to stop back next year.”
Among the music and food, the German Club also hosted different games typical of Oktoberfest. They offered students dry beer pong and quoits (somewhat equivalent to the game horseshoes). Also, in an effort to raise money for the club, students were able to purchase raffle tickets for different gift baskets that were raffled off at the end.
The German Club is always recruiting new members. This year, they have about 20 members but are looking to grow. For the next event, the German Club will be selling advent calendars; the date is TBA. If anyone is interested in joining the club they meet every Tuesday from 2-3PM in 203 Stroud.

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