By George Mitchell
Senate Representative
Now that Halloween has passed, it is the giving season for many. This is the time for many people to begin preparing for the holidays by making travel arrangements to see family and buying gifts early for Christmas. Though for some, this time of year cannot be as joyous as others due to economic reasons. Some families cannot afford to give their children the presents which they wish they could.
So, to help make the Christmas season a little jollier, Student Senate annually hosts its Teddy Bear Drive.
On December 1 in the Keystone Room, the Senate will be giving out teddy bears to underprivileged children from the area. At the drive, they will have a chance meet Santa, and Christmas trees provided by ESU’s Greek Life will be given out. There will be arts and crafts for kids for entertainment and snacks, and refreshments will be provided.
Anyone who has and is willing to donate gently used teddy bears can drop them off at the Student Senate Office at anytime on the second floor of the Union. Senate asks that these teddy bears be in fair enough condition, so the kids can play with them.
Every donation helps make another child’s Christmas a happy one.
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