SC Staff Writer
“Flowers die and candy isn’t good for you” stated senior Ronelle Yanuzzi when asked if she follows the traditions of Valentine’s Day. card, candy and roses. Besides Halloween and Easter, Valentine’s Day is one of the most important holidays for the chocolate industry. Yet for some people, the day has no symbolic value. Often you hear people say “Why celebrate something I show to my girlfriend/boyfriend every day of the year? What is so special about one day?”
However to most highly infatuated and strong PDA couple, it is important to get their significant other a bouquet of roses or a box of chocolates just to place emphasis on the words “I love you.”
Yet for years people have always been on the fence on whether or not they would celebrate Valentine’s Day, for some of the students here on campus, money plays a huge factor in their decision. Briefly over lunch at Center Court of the Student Union, Ronelle shared with me some of her traditions and thoughts on Valentine’s Day.
After being in a relationship for 2 ½ years she feels it’s rather more sentimental to make her boyfriend a gift rather than buying the traditional run of the mills cards and candy.
Yes, a gift made seems much more thoughtful and considerate also less hurtful towards your pockets if you are on a budget. The cost and total of Ronelle supplies she adds will be about twenty dollars.
A few other students voiced their thoughts about V- day to me as well in the Union. “It depends on the financial situation” Joel Leek adds when ask if he celebrates Valentine’s Day.
Joel who has been on and off the band wagon for V-Day mentioned that the most he spent on gifts was $150 and the least about $2-3. He also adds that he has in the past bought gifts before and after Valentine’s Day.

This is no surprise that some are willing to buy gifts after Valentine’s Day, given that all the candy, teddy bears and cards the day after go on sale! Breion Robinson who doesn’t believe in spending a lot of money for Valentine’s Day adds “You shouldn’t be in a relationship where you have to financially over extend yourself.”
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