SC Staff Writer
Student Senate would like to take the opportunity to discuss the current state of the ESU Safe Ride program. The program was instituted two years ago in order to insure the safety of East Stroudsburg University students by providing those of legal drinking age a safe and secure option to be transported home.
ESU Safe Ride is available to any student of East Stroudsburg University who is of legal drinking age. In order to become eligible students interested must come with their E-cards and legal identification to the Student Senate office and receive their respective program stickers. With said sticker, the taxi company WGM will offer their services free of charge.
This service is available from 12 AM to 2 AM every Thursday through Saturday. The program covers the cost of each person in the cab who has the sticker. So for example if a cab has two passengers, only one passenger has the sticker, and the fare is three dollars then three dollars of that fare will be covered. The number for WGM is (570) 223-9289.
When the program was created, it was meant to prevent students from the temptation of drinking and driving and since has been successful. Student Senate pays for the program out of its own pocket and wishes to keep it running for as long as possible; so in order to keep ESU Safe Ride going it is up to the students who use the program to assist senate by sharing cab rides.
There is only so much money in the fund for this program and in order to save money shared rides are highly recommended. Take cabs with fellow students to the same location because the more money saved the longer the program will last. Please be mindful of this as to keep fellow students safe from a decision which could have dire consequences.
Student Senate also encourages the student body in congratulating Jamie Goffredo for being voted Senator for the month of February. Her dedication and work ethic serves as a pillar to our educational community and should be emulated.
Also, President Welsh’s inauguration week will take place during the week of April 6th so come out to take part in the week’s activities and officially welcome our president to ESU.

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