Photo Courtesy of Grace’s Downfall
SC Staff Writer
Grace’s Downfall, a Scranton based alternative rock band, takes the main stage of Downtown Scranton’s Hardware Bar by storm on any given Saturday night. Smoke suffocated the patrons, and the stench of alcohol filled the air. While some young adults played beer pong and pool on the third floor, others danced the night away at Club Eclipse on the fourth, and the handful of fans devoted to the band hung over the railings of the balcony or planted themselves right in front of the stage to sing and swing their hair along with the music. Attractive, young, scantily dressed bartenders served beer, shots, and mixers to the eagerly awaiting crowd. Almost everyone had a drink crammed in one hand, while making devil horns with the other.
Four band members, three male and one female, occupied the stage: the lead singer, guitarist, drummer, and bassist. They covered songs from Rage Against the Machine, Pearl Jam, and Tool, to name a few. Head-banging fans sang along to riffs such as “Killing in the Name,” “Testify,” “Even Flow,” and “Sober.” Grace’s Downfall did an outstanding job of covering these famous tunes, while adding their own personal flavor to them, giving them a unique, yet familiar, sound; however, that is not to say that they did not perform their own material.
Sweating profusely on stage between sets, band members soaked themselves down with bottles of water supplied by the bar. A small, but enthusiastic, crowd huddled around the stage waiting for some original songs. A sleeveless drummer hammered out beats, and the female bassist plucked her strings and moved her hips, oozing sex appeal.
The crowd went nuts anticipating the lead singer’s tantalizing vocals, which were raspy, yet powerful. The energy and dedication of the band commanded attention from the listeners. Original songs included: “Always the Victim,” “Fade or Fall,” “Bridges Burn,” and “Another Day.” With a melody similar to Pearl Jam’s style, fans could not help themselves from singing along with the lyrics to “Always the Victim.” “Fade or Fall’s” words have the ability to inspire, for people should not give up or allow obstacles to crush them, but it’s clear that The Foo Fighter’s influence infuses the sound. “Bridges Burn” remains true to the band’s hard sound; it’s unique and fresh with a slight Stone Temple Pilots feel. “Another Day’s” slow, melodic harmony set it apart from Grace’s Downfall’s main genre.
The bassist stepped up to the microphone to join the lead singer in this sad, heartfelt love ballad as the crowd swayed to the rhythm, while couples embraced and kissed each other passionately.
Overall, Grace’s Downfall is a new aged rock band that sports hard and soft beats, and the distinctive lyrics reach fans on different and separate levels. Instilled with the sounds of popular bands, Grace’s Downfall’s music pleases the ear, and the end of their show leaves fans begging and screaming for one more. Whether they are singing a cover song or belting out their own tracks, the band has something for everyone.
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