Photo Credit / Dana Reese
Justin K. Amann
Email: Jamann@live.esu.edu
Major: BA- History
Year: Sophomore
Member of: Student Senate, Phi Alpha Theta- History Honors Society
If you are elected, what will your priorities be as Student Senate President/Vice President?
My priority is collaboration. My platform focuses on the three C’s.
Cooperation: the need to work together. Our voices are much louder when unified.
Coordination: accepting that clubs have their differences. However, we must work together, hand in hand, to be successful as the Student Activity Association. Coordination is about efficiency.
Communication: how groups understand each other and information. How to transfer that information to work well.
This platform is not just between clubs and organization, but it’s just as necessary when collaborating with faculty, staff, and the administration.

What is your involvement with Student Senate? What committees and other events have you worked with/on?
My involvement in Student Senate is immense as the Coordinator of Academic Affairs. I work with the President, The Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Vice President of Enrollment Services, Chief Information Officer, Director of Technology, and many others. I also sit as a non-voting member of the Council of Trustees Academic Affairs Committee.
Also, I’ve enacted the Student Senate Awards program, and have been an integral member of the Provost’s team while discussing academic policies and processes.
Finally, I sit on the Board of Directors for the Student Activity Association, Inc.
What sets you apart from the other senators, or at least, those running?
I offer a path of excellence through experience. If elected, I can begin working proactively as opposed to learning on the job.
I have the experience to be able to call over to the offices of Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Enrollment Services, and even the President. I have established strong working relationships with all of those people.
Next, I can quickly assume the everyday responsibilities of President. I am aware of them as I have been on the executive board, and I sit on a Board of Directors for our Student Activity Association (SAA).
Finally, although in the coming weeks there will be a lot of information on the candidates, and the focus will be on each of us, I think that it is vital to recognize the importance of the people that we represent.
We can say what we want, and do what we need to get into office, but the one thing that we must remember is that our job is to represent the students, and we cannot afford to lose sight of that. This is your school, your education, and your life. Our time is now. Vote for Justin Amann as the Student Senate President!
Visit my website: www.amannforpresident.webs.com, or follow me on Twitter: @amann37.