Photo Credit / Jamie Reese
On April 30, East Stroudsburg University, Sanofi Pasteur, and the ESU Foundation will hold a press conference celebrating a new partnership.
The Conference begins at 11 AM, and will be held in the Main Lobby of the Warren E. ’55 and Sandra Heoffner Science and Technology Center.
The event is RSVP only, and the deadline to RSVP is today, April 25.
Speakers will include Marcia G. Welsh, Ph.D., President of ESU, Frank Epifano, Vice President of the North America and Global Finance Commercial Operations at Sanofi Pasteur, Allatah Mekile, biotechnology major and chemistry minor at ESU and
Frank Falso, President and CEO of the ESU Foundation.
Sanofi Pasteur is a global company, and its headquarters is located in Lyon, France. The company is named after chemist and medical microbiologist Louis Pasteur.

Louis Pasteur was famous for his work in immunology and vaccination during the nineteenth century. He was responsible for discovering a process to create an anthrax vaccine.
According to Sanofi Pasteur’s website, they are “the vaccines division of Sanofi,…a global company that provides more than one billion doses of vaccine each year, making it possible to immunize more than 500 million people across the globe.”
As stated in the Company’s website, “More than three million people still die due to lack of access to vaccines. Our Vision is a world in which no one suffers or dies from a vaccine-preventable disease.”
Sanofi Pasteur is also located in Swiftwater, PA in Monroe County, where they employ about three thousand people.
According to Pasteur’s US website, they “supplied significant funding for the construction of the Science & Technology Center” at East Stroudsburg University.
Pasteur funds various scholarships through East Stroudsburg University, and provides summer internship opportunities for students.
The company is also responsible for supporting education through video lessons called “Science Screen Reports,” which are used in schools around Monroe County.
“Sanofi Pasteur recognizes that efforts directed toward local youth today will have tremendous impact on the success of our community’s future. That’s why we continue to support our area’s educational institutions, particularly their science- and technology-based programs.”
If you are interested in attending the conference, RSVP online now at www.esufoundation.org/sanofipress.
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