SC Staff Writer
September 11, 2001, 8:45 am: Mom helped me pour my Cheerios.
8:46 am: Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center killing all on board, as well as hundreds in the building.
9:00 am: I sat down to do my reading lesson.
9:03 am: Flight 175 crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center.
9:30 am: Mom tested me on my spelling.
9:37 am: Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. killing 59 passengers, as well as 125 civilians.
9:40 am: Dad called home and I wondered why Mom started to cry.
9:42 am: For the first time in history, the Federal Aviation Administration banned all flights over or bound for the United States.
9:55 am: I sat listening to mom on the phone, making up scenarios in my head as to what could have gone wrong.
9:59 am: South Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed.
10:00 am: Mom told me that two airplanes had crashed into the tall buildings she had taken me to see only a few summers before.
10:07 am: Flight 93 crashed in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, killing all on board.
10:25 am: I started to get annoyed with mom because she wouldn’t let me out of her sight.
10:28 am: North Tower of the World Trade Center Collapsed.
8:25 pm: I silently got ready for bed, pondering the dark events which my six year old mind could not yet comprehend.
8:30 pm: President Bush addressed the nation, calling the attacks, “Evil, despicable acts of terror”. What do you remember about the day of September 11, 2001?
Perhaps you remember wondering why the adults around you were acting strange as you tried to enjoy lunch with your elementary school friends. Perhaps you remember racing to the phone to call your loved ones and make sure they were safe.
Or perhaps, like me, the events at Ground Zero were just too much for you to understand at the time.
But today, nearly twelve years later, we do understand. We know that the lives of thousands of people were stolen in just a few short minutes.
We know that hundreds of firemen, police officers, and paramedics willingly give their lives in order to preserve the lives of others.
We know that the “city that never sleeps” came to a halt to mourn the horrific loss, to give blood with the hope of saving a stranger in need, and to pray.
We know that this imperfect world we live in is filled with violence and pain.
Yes, we know. But each year we seem to care just a little bit less. Now that we’ve past the decade anniversary, we treat 9/11 as any other, ordinary day.
I remember being disgusted last year as I sat in homeroom waiting for a moment of silence that never came.
Waiting in vain for my Government and Economics teacher to say a few words regarding the attacks.
The date September 11 seems to lose a bit of its importance with the passing of each year.
We make the heroic acts of men and women that day seem less significant as we focus on ourselves.
On September 11, 2001, men and women all over America forgot about themselves and focused on the needs of others. Today, in 2013, families all over the country mourn the deaths of loved ones while we casually ask our friend,
“Hey, what’s the date today?”. I challenge you this September 11 to stop and remember the event that unified our country twelve years ago.
I ask you to pray for the broken families still hurting.
Pray for our troops, fire fighters, police men, and paramedics who live and die so we may enjoy our freedom to the fullest.
September 11, 2013, dare to look beyond yourself and embrace the hurting world around you.
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