Science Editor
Last semester the Stroud Courier Staff tested out a science section for the first time.
It received a moderate amount of attention, and we decided to make it a permanent installment to the newspaper.
Unlike other sections, this one often requires writers unaccustomed to writing for writing’s sake.
The Science Section was made for people with aptitudes for both writing and science.
Because of this, many articles for this section are written by students without a major in English.
I am not an English major, and none of the articles on this page were written by English majors.
Any student can write for the Stroud Courier, regardless of major.
I was short on content for this issue, as was expected, but if this continues to be a problem, the Science Section might not last.
With this in mind, The Stroud Courier meetings are every Thursday at 2:00 PM in room 217 of the Student Union.
The paper is published once every two weeks, and articles are due the Sunday before publication.
Email Jamie at: