Photo Courtesy of ESU
SC Staff Writer
Leaving one college and going to another is not easy. What buildings are where? Who are the best professors? What is there to do on campus?
These are all questions that transfer students, like me, are thinking about when they attend another school.
It’s daunting, and a little overwhelming, but like anything else, you eventually figure it out.
It’s hard to start over, but there are good things about being a transfer student.
One perk is a clean slate. You can be anything you want. You can join that club that you didn’t join at your previous school, or get involved in the new community.
No matter which university you select there will be ample opportunities, and there are different ways to get involved. Getting involved allows you to explore the campus, meet a variety of people, and make new friends.
Meeting new people is another positive that comes along with being a transfer student. You not only have friends from your previous school, but you can make more at your current school.

It’s an opportunity to create new experiences and to have fun. In this way you can find information about classes, professors, and events on campus.
These are just two of the positives of being a transfer student, but there are many more. It’s not always easy to start over, but there are plenty of opportunities and experiences for an enterprising student.
It depends on what you make of it. By transferring to a different college, you have the opportunity to have, not just one, but two great college experiences.
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