Photo Credit / Sarah Borys
SC Contributing Writer
Every school has hidden gems. Undoubtedly, one of ESU’s best assets is the plethora of fitness classes offered free of cost to all students.
The most popular class is Zumba, a Latin and hip-hop infused dance class that is high-energy all the way through.
The instructor warms participants up, then moves into a rapid succession of dance steps that are easy to follow. If you are not good at dancing, do not worry—no one has time to focus on the fact that you went left when everyone else went right because eyes are almost always on the instructor.
Each Zumba class is a little different depending on who you have teaching the class, but they are always high-energy and, most importantly, fun!
Fit classes are also offered that target specific areas of the body. One of my favorites is Below the Belt, Tuesdays at 5:30 with Joe in Rec B.
The class focuses on working your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves in a 30 minute time period.
Fair warning—if you have never gone to Below the Belt, you will be incredibly sore for days after your first class.

In most cases, this is a one-time occurrence—going each time after your first should not leave you painfully sore.
For those seeking a full-body cardio and toning workout, try Bosu Bootcamp, which incorporates Bosu balls that help manage strength and balance.
The class is especially fun if you have never used a Bosu before because there are so many things you can do with them.
The class also uses jump ropes to speed up your heart rate and keep you moving while alternating between push-ups, squats, and crunches.
Last year, Warrior Cycling was introduced—although it is not free, the prices cannot be beat.
Students can get a single-ride pass for $3.00 or buy a semester-long pass for $20.00. Keep in mind—participants must show up ahead of scheduled class time to get a ticket for entry. Simply buying the pass does not guarantee you’ll get in.
The instructors who teach these fit classes—all of whom are ESU students—are trained and certified, so participants get a well-rounded workout experience.
The instructors are friendly, encouraging, and interactive so there is no need to feel intimidated.
As a student, I urge everyone to try the incredible classes our peers teach. There is no need to shy away from a class because you do not have a friend to go with you.
Besides, we are all paying to be here, so why not take advantage this wonderful amenity that ESU offers?
You can access a fit class schedule online or pick one up in both Rec B and the Mattioli Rec.
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