SC Contributing Writer
The director of East Stroudsburg University’s Upward Bound, Uriel Trujillo, began his presentation on “The Other Wes Moore” on September 25.
Initially, Trujillo did not want to be involved in “another story about the rich and the poor or a Harlem to Harvard story.”
On Wednesday evening, Trujillo admitted to the group of about 20 people in Moore Biology’s Kurtz Lecture hall.
“I felt it was a tired subject and was hesitant to read the book, but I eventually decided that before I make all these judgments, I should just read it,” he said.
Trujillo then added, “Once I finally read the book, I have to say I was inspired. As a people, we see and experience the world in a binary way. We all do it. We stereotype.”
The audience was informed that dualism prevents minds from looking at issues in a more holistic and organic way.

Trujillo believes, “A dualistic way of thinking makes it easier for people to dehumanize other people. We can’t dehumanize someone that’s human.”
Since the two main characters of ‘The Other Wes Moore” were both named Wes Moore, Trujillo referred to the writer of the book as S-Moore, meaning Successful Moore, and then O-Moore, meaning the Other Moore.
“We have to humanize O-Moore to understand what’s happening to large parts of our nation.”
To those unfamiliar with the book, it follows the life of two kids with the same name, living in the same city. One grew up to be a Rhodes Scholar, combat veteran, White House Fellow, and business leader, all while the other serves a no-parole life sentence for the murder of Sgt. Bruce Prothero in 2000.
Both Wes Moores had grown up without fathers in Baltimore, MD. Throughout their childhoods, they also had run-ins with authority and the law.
S-Moore’s mother knew about the dangerous path her son was highly susceptible to follow, so she sent him to military school.
After attempting to run away several times, S-Moore began to assimilate into military life, giving him the necessary push for a successful life and career.
One of the professors in attendance included Dr. Pruim of the Philosophy Department, who said, “The lectures that are offered for the ‘One Book One Campus’ initiative are truly wonderful. Uriel Trujillo was not there as a professor merely doing his job; he was there as an adult presenting his view. He had no agenda, and it was just what he thought. Someone talked about something obligation free.”
Pruim went on to say, “it was a thought-provoking speech. The lack of student participation was unfortunate though. We’re so fuddy sometimes. We’d love to have small classes and deep conversations, but here one is on a Wednesday evening, and many think nah, I have other more important things to do.”
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