SC Contributing Writer
This year the Pennsylvania Communication Association (PCA) celebrated their 74th annual conference held at Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania. Over the weekend (October 18th- 20th) three of East Stroudsburg University’s students, Marianda La Barre, Joe La Tassa, and Julia Marrero attended the conference with Dr. Cem Zeytinoglu.
Within the conference there were posters session which these students participated in and there were also paper session were other students from different university’s presented their work. La Barre, La Tassa, and I (Marrero) presented in the poster. La Barre and La Tassa presented on the topic of rhetoric with Kenneth Burke whereas myself (Marrero) presented on crisis management with Susan G. Komen and Planned Parenthood.
When speaking to La Barre and La Tassa they each had such a wonderful time.
La Tassa states, “I would say that I had a very good experience attending the conference at Gannon as well as presenting my poster there. It gave me a chance to view the other posters and paper presentations by other students and Ph.D candidates, and essentially set the bar of what the work is like at the graduate level.”
The conference was arranged quite well, and the professors were very approachable and supportive of the all of the work presented.
PCA conference is a great place to start within your presenting career. Each student gets to receive suggestions and feedback about their work from all different views.

Throughout the conference each student got the opportunity to listen to William K. Rawlins who received an award during the conference. The following day each student that did not par take in the poster session was given the opportunity present their papers.
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