Photo Credit / Michael Lloret
SC Contributing Writer
Everyone is familiar with the English boys of “The Lord of the Flies” who are deserted on a desolate island after a plane wreck during wartime.
The East Stroudsburg University Theatre department performed “The Lord of the Flies” from October 24 to October 27, blowing away audiences all week long.
Director Becky Solis put a unique, modern spin on the spectacle aspect of the performance. Incorporating a minimalistic, modern set of the Island of Lost Boys, and EDM music, the play had a contemporary, current vibe. The audience’s reaction was pleased and surprised.
Lauren Struber, an English major at East Stroudsburg, said, “I felt the music surprised me. It was different because the genre is new and technological. It worked with the play even though the show isn’t as modern as the music.”
During the performance, the audience was pleasantly surprised by excellent lighting, fog used as “smoke”, and even fire. The technicalities such as prop design, lighting, sound, and costumes accurately and beautifully captured the essence of the hardships of the boys on the island.
During one of the more memorable scenes of this show, a few of the savage boys are hunting a pig, and when it is killed, place its head on a stick and put it where the pig was killed. The pig head leads one of the boys, Simon–played by Brandon Cabrera– to insanity.

The size of the Smith-McFarland Theater and the “thrust stage” set-up allows the students and faculty to choose shows that create an intimate experience.
“The Lord of the Flies” is a play that expressed many personal and worldly issues, and the small community-like theater gave the experience a closer and more personal meaning.
This classic looks into the darker parts of human nature where it comes to savagery and the mob versus morality, even at the young ages of these boys.
Throughout the performance, it was important that the audience could clearly see the expressions of the sad, scared, and helpless boys on the island, and this was accomplished.
The ESU Theater Department’s hands-on program allows the University to experience the entertainment of the theater, while giving those involved in the production hands on experience.
Assistant Stage Manager Rebecca Regina explains, “I have always had a passion for acting, but until I came to ESU, I never experienced stage managing or directing. ESU has given me a really unique, diversified program.”
Tyler Kittle played Ralph, the “leader” of the tribe of boys on the island.
“Being cast in ‘Lord of the Flies’ has shown me what it’s like firsthand to act in a production,” said Kittle.
“Since this was my first time ever being on stage, I learned a lot about what goes into a production during the early rehearsal period.”
Kelsey Pulzone, “Lord of the Flies’” stage manager explained how this experience directly relates to the career she plans to have when she graduates.
The role of the actors, stage directors, and everyone involved acts as hands-on experience that will prepare them for the world of theater once they graduate.
When asking the actors what their favorite aspect of this play was, they all offered very insightful opinions.
“I really enjoy the play because of the message it sends out to younger audiences,” said Kittle. “This play is about the boys’ struggle for salvation, and on their journey, they encounter power struggles, camaraderie, and eventually savagery.”
“This show depicts a realistic idea of how society and people change when there are no rules and consequences,” said Pulzone. “The barbaric behavior of the boys on stage is not as farfetched from the brutality of how people act towards each other today. The difference is, today we use Facebook and texting, while they used a literal sense of stabbing one in the back with spears.”
The East Stroudsburg Theater Department did another fantastic performance.
The next show that the theater department will host is the annual One Act production called “The Unforscene”– stay tuned!
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