Photo Credit / Amanda Schreck
SC Contributing Writer
Do you believe in ghosts? On the night of Saturday, October 16th, over 60 ESU students had the opportunity to investigate three buildings across campus known for their vast paranormal activity.
Skeptics and believers put their beliefs to the test in the shadowy rooms of Abeloff Center for the Performing Arts, Shawnee Residence Hall, and the Fine and Performing Arts Center.
The night began with a presentation led by Dusk-Till-Dawn Paranormal Investigators (DTDPI). Eric Pensyl, who founded the non-profit organization in 2009, has been investigating the paranormal since 1990.
Their main focus is to help anyone who is experiencing paranormal activity within their home or business.
The students split off into three groups led by co-leaders Ed Vargas, Debb Dyer, Bryanna Douglas, and other investigators into the eerie darkness of ESU buildings.
The first stop for Ed Vargas’ group was Shawnee Residence Hall, where students and investigators descended to the closed-off basement into the men’s bathroom where a janitor committed suicide and two former students overdosed. Students felt cold spots and drafts, tapping noises, a flashlight turned off after a direct question, and one female student was constantly being touched by an unseen entity.

After a good start to the night, students moved to the Fine and Performing Arts Center where they tried to make contact with a former theater major named Sarah. She ended her theater debut by hanging herself from the light grid and is said to be seen and heard in the theater. Students felt cold spots pass over the stage and across their legs and arms, saw shadows on the catwalk, and heard some strange noises.
Contrary to last year, Sarah decided to take an intermission and not make a big performance this year.
After the stroke of midnight, ESU students followed DTDPI to the final building of the night: Abeloff Center for the Performing Arts, where one entity decided to make a big appearance.
The final investigation began in the theater where noises could be heard coming from backstage. The group decided to move toward the activity into the basement’s dressing room.
Surrounding a flashlight lit on the floor next to an EMF meter, students asked Joshua many questions about his death and how he feels being in his situation.
The students and investigators received answers to their specific questions with incredible promptness by the flashlight in the middle of the floor, turning on and off on command. The group found out that Joshua was a teacher at ESU who possibly died in the flood from the hurricane of 1955.
A few minutes past 1:00 am, students and investigators said goodbye and thank you to Joshua and began heading home.
Co-leader Ed Vargas said the night was extraordinary, phenomenal!
“Every time that we come here it’s something different,” said Vargas. “The fact that they’re able to communicate and break those barriers of the unseen world and in being able to do that in a way that is interactive, real time, that’s incredible.”
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