SC Contributing Writer
On Friday, November 1, 2013, the day after Halloween, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania will be holding its sixth annual Remembrance Day ceremony.
This ceremony is held during this time every year and is used to celebrate those students, faculty, administrators, staff, and alumni from the East Stroudsburg University community that have passed away during the past academic year.
The program is “an important ceremony for reflection, healing and remembering…” said Shannon Smith from Student Affairs. This event will be held in the Keystone Room at the Center for Hospitality Management from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM.
There will be members of The Warrior Elite and volunteers from The Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Retired Faculties (APSCURF) to greet anyone attending the event.
Personal pictures and mementoes, provided by friends and family, will be displayed to help remind attendees of the people that have passed away during the past year.
Attendees can expect speeches and reflections given by campus students, staff, and faculty members and to hear ESU own wind ensemble play our Nation’s National Anthem, ESU’s alma mater and other musical selections.

Damian Kitt, a soprano saxophone player for ESU’s wind ensemble said, “I am honored to play for Remembrance Day on Friday. It is important that we, as both a campus community and the community of East Stroudsburg, remember each and every one of the people from ESU that has passed on.”
Another member of the wind ensemble, Brandon Broschart, a tuba player, said, “I am proud to have the opportunity to play at this event. It is good that we take the time to acknowledge those who have passed.”
After the program everyone is invited to stay for the reception, which will have refreshments. Every university member and member of a local community is invited to attend this event.
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