SC Staff Writer
Senioritis is defined by as “a crippling disease that strikes seniors.” It states that the disease “features a lack of studying, repeated absences, and a generally dismiss attitude,” with “the only known cure is a phenomenon known as graduation.” Senioritis is also often called “the itis” by many seniors.
With the fall semester more than half way over, seniors have begun to realize that graduation is coming faster then we realized. On October 28th seniors have to register for their last semester. It’s weird to think this is the last time most of us will ever stay up till midnight to get the classes we want. In the same week, the Intent to Graduate form is due. This is the first official step towards graduation.
Handing this form in finalizes the fact that you plan to graduate in May. It’s like a light bulb goes off and you realize you’re almost done with the four best years of your life. For some it’s sad, for others, it’s exciting. Senior Julianne Rose said, “It felt like the end is almost here, and I can begin a new chapter of my life!” I have to say my feelings were quite similar.
Another added bonus was realizing that because you plan to graduate in May, you didn’t have to hand in the 25 dollar fee that the form asks for. Walking out of Enrollment Services is freeing, knowing that you’re on the right path, and you will graduate in a few short months. The only problem is, when you realize this, the senioritis bug tends to kick in a bit.
Recognizing the fact that you’re almost out of ESU, and soon you’ll be an alumni is scary. But when you realize that after graduation you won’t be plagued with papers, tests, presentations, and the never-ending trail of homework is exhilarating. So is that when “the itis” bug kicks in? For some it may be, for others it may be when they get accepted to graduate school, or get a real life job. After any of these realizations, the last semester and a half at ESU seems non-important. We just want to have fun and make the most of our last few months in college. So is senioritis a myth or is real?
If you ask any high school or college senior, they’re going to tell you it is as real as a heart attack. But if you ask a professor, they will likely say it is just students being lazy. Well, that is exactly what senioritis is! It’s college seniors who don’t want to do work anymore, they just want to have some more fun before college is over, and their real lives have to begin. So how many students at ESU do you think have caught the bug so far? Be careful because the itis is as real as it gets, and once your friends have it, you’re likely to get it too! Have you caught the itis yet?
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