SC Contributing Writer
On Thursday, November 21, 2013, Dr. Kimberly S. Adams hosted East Stroudsburg University’s “Women as Leaders” forum.
The forum was held in the form of a roundtable which included four female panelists sharing their experiences as leaders. The hope was to inspire other young females by having the panelists share experiences from every walk of life.
The panel featured Dr. Ginamarie Foglia, who served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps and is currently the Clinical Development Director at Sanofi Pasteur Inc., Linda Diffley, the Vice President and General Manager of Patterson- Kelley, County Commissioner of ten years, Suzanna McCool, and ESU’s very own President, Dr. Marcia G. Welsh.
Representative Rosemary Brown was unable to attend the event due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict at the state capital.
Nearly every seat in the lecture hall in Stroud 117, where the panel was hosted, was filled. The event started with Dr. Adams introducing the panelists, and asking questions of them to help the audience better understand their backgrounds.
While Dr. Adams created the event for her “Women and Politics” class, students ranging from the Communication Studies department to the ROTC program attended. Questions asked of the panelists provoked answers that focused on seeking a mentor, dealing with the stereotypical mean girls, and everything in between.
“Do you feel that you have had support from other women, or do you feel that other women have been cutthroat?” asked Abdelis Vega, a junior from the communication studies department asked

“All of my mentors except for one were women,” Said Dr. Foglia. “I think it is important to find women that you can aspire to. Having mentors is very important. But yes there are women who are going to be jealous of where you are and what you have. But if you are doing what you feel is right, then put your head down and do your work. The people you surround yourself with will have great impact on where you will go.”
Drew Johnson, a sophomore communication studies major, asked how men can help to support women leaders.
“When you see a young woman who is holding back, be the one to step forward and encourage her to do what she didn’t think she could do. I think it is also important to have mentors as females—it is ok for men to have female mentors,” said President Welsh.
“If you could define your leadership how would you in one word?” asked sophomore , Chantal Fulgencio.
“Direct,” said Diffley, “What you see is what you get. You can’t be phony, and I think that strength can be misconstrued. But most people do look for that honesty.”
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