SC Contributing Writer
When I came onto ESU’s campus three and a half years ago at the start of my freshman year, I didn’t know what to expect. It was a brand new start after four years of high school and I could be anyone I wanted to be. What I didn’t want to be was out as a lesbian.
I didn’t want the label to define me like it did in high school. It wasn’t long until I realized that you can be out and proud at ESU, without that being your only defining factor.
No one at ESU gives a second glance to two men or two women holding hands.
I have never once felt uncomfortable being open with my partner around campus, and I have never been discriminated against because of being open with my sexuality.
When ESU put sexual orientation and gender identity back into the non-discrimination policy regardless of what the state OR the PASSHE system has in their policy, it reminded me just how great our administrators are when it comes to caring about each individual student.
Some people may read this and think, “Why is this important?” or “Good for you, why should I care?”

Something like this extremely important for LGBTQ students.
At ESU, we have the entire spectrum represented and it is a very rare occasion that someone feels uncomfortable on campus. This is possible because of how many great allies there are on campus.
This is a thank you to ESU Allies who make it possible for any person who identifies on the queer spectrum to be able to be open and be able to be who they really are.
There are times where some of us go home to unfriendly environments, where we have to hide who we are or be afraid to be who we are. ESU makes it possible for all LGBTQ people to feel safe, to feel like themselves, and to feel at home.
I’m proud to say that I’m out, proud and an East Stroudsburg University Warrior. Thanks ESU for being a great ally.
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