Photo Courtesy of ESU CAB Facebook page
SC Staff Writer
ESU’s very own Campus Activities Board (CAB) has many new and exciting events planned for students to enjoy this semester.
From trips to New York City to a party with glow-in-the-dark cotton candy, CAB has organized it all.
On February 12, CAB has arranged a trip to Connecticut to see “The Maury Show.” The bus will be departing at 3 PM from ESU.
The tickets for this show are on sale now and they are available for purchase at the CAB office. The tickets for students cost seven dollars and tickets for guests cost ten dollars.
On February 14, CAB will be bringing back “Chroma Crystals” from 12 PM-4 PM.
ESU couples will be able to replicate an image of their selves in a crystal-like statue free of charge in celebration of Valentine’s Day.

In late February, students should keep their eyes and ears open for who will be performing in the spring concert at ESU.
The details of the concert are being kept under wraps for now, but it’s expected to take place in late March.
“It’s just under review,” said Michelle Canepa, the Chairperson of CAB’s Out & About committee.
When speaking of the cancellation of the fall concert due to ticket sales, she said, “This concert will go better. We have faith in this one.”
On March 8, students will have the opportunity to travel to New York City to see a 2 PM showing of “Les Misérables” on Broadway.
The bus will leave for the city at 10 AM and it will depart from the city at 8 PM in order to give students an entire day to explore the city.
The tickets for this trip go on sale Monday, January 27. For students, tickets will cost fifty-five dollars and it will cost seventy-five dollars for guests.
CAB will also be participating in Relay for Life at ESU on April 4-5.
It is an overnight event, and the theme is “A Night in Hollywood.”
Registration for this event is done online, and anyone who has a team can sign-up to participate. The event may even feature a special appearance by a celebrity athlete.
CAB also has planned a “Get Your Glow On” event. It will be held on April 9 in the Keystone Room from 8 PM to 12 AM, and is free of charge. It will include black light mini-golf, air hockey, foosball, and a DJ to top it off.
This event will also be featuring “glow-cones,” which are glow sticks topped off with cotton candy.
On May 2, CAB has organized another trip to the Bronx Zoo.
CAB is also in the process of planning a tour of the Pocono Community Theater so that students have a chance to explore the theater’s backstage.
Although a date for this event has not been set, it will be announced at one of CAB’s open meetings held at 2 PM every other Tuesday in the Shawnee Lounge.
These meetings are held weekly and are always open to any students who wish to attend.
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