Student Senators remained active on campus over winter break.
President Justin Amann, Vice President Kwaku Adjei-Bohyen, and Chairman of Extra Curricular Affairs Daniel Hagan attended several meetings aimed at reforming the Student Code of Conduct.
Topics included the consumption of alcohol at University sponsored events as well as the penalties for receiving a citation off of ESU’s campus.
These discussions continue and may result in many changes to the current code of conduct.
The Senate was involved in the Strategic Planning process at the roundtable discussions.
They were a part of conversations ranging from a students’ academic experience to the necessity of creating collaborative relationships with the external community.
There was much consideration given to the idea that we must create an entrepreneurial culture. Several opportunities are available for all students to have their voices heard at roundtables today, January 30 and tomorrow January 31. Please visit our office or look online for times and locations.

The Senate led an effort to reform parking regulations at the University.
The parking reform committee will be meeting this week to continue discussion.
The focus group is primarily made of students with key employees of ESU, including the Chief of Police, Director of Parking, and Residence Life staff.
Amann took to Harrisburg to represent the Student Senate in denouncing a gun policy proposal that would allow for the carrying of firearms on campus.
The proposed PASSHE policy prohibits weapons in “sensitive areas” such as classroom buildings and the University Center.
Amann spoke on behalf of the Senate, which passed a resolution in September denouncing such a policy.
Amann stated, “If I can walk down Normal Street, which is at the heart of ESU’s vibrant campus, who will stop me at the doors of the student union building, Dansbury dining hall or Koehler Fieldhouse?”
Amann continued, “Will PASSHE provide the necessary funding to adequately police these areas? If not, should we be investing in metal detectors for each building entry in the 14 state schools? If so, is this really how we want to use our student and taxpayer dollars?”
The process has since been delayed and all schools have been instructed to follow their current policies until further notice.
As we move forward into the semester, the Student Senate will continue to represent the student body on multiple university committees that range from ESU’s food service to its academic curriculum.
Student Senate will be holding elections on February tenth and eleventh. Petitions are due on Friday, February seventh, if you are interested running in that election.
Also, planning for the annual Community on the Quad has commenced and the theme will be announced in the coming weeks!
Student Senate continues to encourage students to contact them with any concerns at 219 of the Student Union.
Bi-weekly voting meetings are on Thursday from 2 PM to 4 PM in the Senate Chamers, that are open to all students.
Email the Student Senate at: