SC Staff Writer
Love shall soon be in the air as Valentine’s Day is almost here.
While shopping in your local convenience stores, you have probably already seen the whole collection of bears, chocolates, cards, and other trinkets to choose from for that special someone.
Many fellas have their pockets ready to take that special someone out on a date or even pop the big question as some choose to unite as one during the holiday.
Valentine’s Day is a wonderful time of year as many look forward to the season of love.
Unfortunately for many, Valentine’s Day brings an unwanted recall of memories.
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, one can’t help but wonder.

Do we really need a holiday to show our loved ones care? Should Valentines be the only official day to declare your love to those special people in your life?
Of course not!
Valentine’s Day should be every day, not in the giving and receiving of gifts but in the demonstration of love towards another individual.
The loving spirit Valentine’s Day brings should be present every day.
Like many other holidays, Valentine’s Day has become a day to just expect gifts.
“Everybody knows Valentines is coming when you see the big stuffed bears, love telegrams and chocolates around campus” said Deanna Moore, a junior.
Other students seem to have the same thoughts regarding the holiday.
Tiana Blackson said, “All I see and hear about on Valentines is the gifts.”
Many view Valentine’s Day as a couple’s holiday, but the special day is not just for couples.
Valentines is a holiday that can be shared with family and close friends too.
A calendar should not predict when you tell mom, dad, your siblings, or even significant other you care for them.
Valentines is a wonderful time of year for many, but in celebrating the season remember that the same special care shown on Valentine’s Day should be shown every day.
Start your Valentine’s early by simply telling the people you care about you love them.
If possible, try to tell the important people in your life that you love them on a daily basis.
As life is short-lived and full of surprises, avoid relying on a holiday to give you the opportunity to say “I love you.”
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