SC Contributing Writer
As President of the Interfraternity Council here at East Stroudsburg University, it is my duty to represent the all-male Greek life population.
Since being elected, I have overseen the implementation of various policies ranging from academic reform and identity reform, as well as new initiatives geared towards our philanthropic endeavors.
Decimating the negative stereotype of the misinformed general public is my main goal of the 2013-2014 academic school year.
I cannot act alone. I need the help of the administration and faculty alike, to stop the spread of misinformation.
At the undergraduate level, the Greek body is responsible for many things on campus—mostly good, but sometimes bad. It is a shame that we live under the shadow cast from the negative attention.
But, how can we get behind these organizations? I have your answers. I now bring to your attention, the 2012-2013 statistics published by the Greek Affairs office. In 2012-2013, East Stroudsburg University Greek Students raised $3935 in the Fall semester, and $9631.75 in the Spring Semester.

Don’t worry; I have the math done for you.
That total is $13,566.75. We raised almost $14,000 last year with only 322 active Greek Students!
How many East Stroudsburg University Undergraduates can say that they took part in something of that magnitude?
How did 322 students raise that amount of money? By contributing over 3,791.50 community service hours in the Fall Semester, and 3446.5o community service hours in the Spring Semester! And again, I have the math readily available for your pleasure; that’s over 7,238 community service hours logged in the 2012-2013 school year!
What do those numbers even mean though? Sure, the hours and dollars sound great, but I’m sure you’re curious as to what they actually stand for.
East Stroudsburg University Greek Life has been responsible for the countless amounts of blood drives for the American Red Cross, informational programming regarding alcoholism or personal health, street clean ups, car washes, donations made to the Philippines! In years past, we even put on our own dance marathon, which raised over $14,000 alone for the B++ Foundation.
The monies from that went to a local Monroe County child who needed the funds to help support her cancer treatment.
Being in a Greek Organization is so much more than “paying for your friends” or “mixing with a sports team on a Tuesday night.”
We take our obligations seriously. Do we have responsible fun? Absolutely. But what we enjoy most is helping others.
So when you see Greek Students around campus, do not feel intimidated, but say, “hi,” and find out more. Make your college experience worth so much more than that 3.5 GPA that you’ll forget about in three years.
Trust me, sleeping at night is so much easier when you know that you’ve made a real difference in someone else’s’ life.
So Professors and Administrators alike, please, the next time you’re teaching a class, or speaking with your peers at lunch, be kind!
Use polite words — stop the use of “frat” and phrases like “frats haze.” When bringing up “rights of passages,” don’t put the spotlight on a Greek Student.
It’s embarrassing to have to speak out against professors in class, but the Greek Body will. Ask any of us, we’re not here to perpetuate the “Animal House” image, or consume mass amounts of alcohol—we’re here to help!
Our jobs, our oaths, and our lives, are being spent in the classroom and in the community. It’s about time we got a pat on the back.
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