Barstool Blackout — a light show that tours college campuses — returned to the Sherman Theater this past weekend, bringing with them arrests and hospital treatments.
There were 1,800 tickets issued for this event and 100 people were denied entry for various reasons, according to the Sherman Theater.
The Stroud Area Regional Police Department confirmed that 12 arrests were made and 12 people were treated at the Pocono Medical Center.
Of the people arrested, three were charged with possession with intent to deliver.
Two for the sale of cocaine, and one for the sale of MDMA, “Molly.”
The arrests of all drug related were in “the direct vicinity of the Sherman Theater,” according to the Stroud Police press release.

The Liquor Control Enforcement cited six people for underage drinking and one for disordely conduct.
Three for alcohol and drug overdoes, and one suffered inuries from a fight.
Assisting the Stroud Area Regional Police Department were the Pennsylvania State Police, Monroe County Drug Task Force, Office of the Attorney General’s Bureau of Narcotics Investigation, Pennsylvania Liquor Control Enforcement, and the Monroe County Probation and Parole.
Although the event was heavily policed, Barstool Blackout continues to be a concern for ESU administrartion.
“As long as the Barstool event results in dangerous and unsafe behavior for attandees while also posing a significant finacial drain on university and community resources, the risks far outweigh the show’s benefit to Stroudsburg and the greater Pocono region,” said Director of University Relations Brenda Friday.
Friday said that the dialogue between the Sherman Theatre and ESU must continue. Student leaders are soon to meet with Sherman owner Rich Berkowitz to share their prespective on the event.
“We can make a difference, one kid at a time,” read the Sherman press release.
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