News Editor
Students are sometimes surprised to learn they’re allowed to write, take pictures, and edit for the Stroud Courier.
Not only are all students allowed to fulfill these tasks, but the Courier is in need of people to fulfill them.
Writers and photographers are expected to submit their work via email the Sunday before the Thursday publication.
Articles must be at least 400 words and photographs must be of high quality, so they can be enlarged for the page.
Content sent in will not always be used, but contacting the Courier ahead of time will make unused content less likely.
This is because the Courier can mediate between contributors in order to minimize overlap in their content.

Most editors pitch article ideas, but some of the ideas are never taken up by writers.
This being the case, anyone interested in writing who doest have a clue what to write about can contact the Courier for ideas.
Students interested in editing can also contact the Courier.
Responsibilities of editors vary based on position, but they typically format articles and lay them out on a page.
Most current editors will be graduating in May, and some of their positions have not yet been filled.
The Courier is currently looking for advertising, opinion, and photography editors for next semester.
There are also multiple copy editor positions available.
Copy editors read articles and correct the grammar and formatting mistakes.
Editors love to devote several hours every Monday and Tuesday to finish their work.
Editing can be done at any time throughout the day, so scheduling conflicts can be avoided.
General meetings are held every Thursday at 2 PM in room 217 of the Student Union.
There’s usually someone in the office, so stop by!
Otherwise, contact the Stroud Courier by email at for more information.
Email Jamie at: