SC Contributing Writer
With the release of Neighbors, The House Bunny, and National Lampoon’s Animal House, the general attitude toward today’s fraternities has taken a turn for the worse.
Pop culture has sacrificed the true meaning of fraternity life to paint a picture of the womanizing, keg-standing, fratboys that movie-goers will pay to see.
However, our own chapter of the Delta Chi Fraternity here at ESU has been actively combatting these negative pictures of Greek-life.
Along with their tireless efforts to raise money for The V Foundation for Cancer Research, Delta Chi’s East Stroudsburg chapter has also teamed up with Habitat for Humanity in their efforts to build the Five Loaf House in Mount Pocono.
The Five Loaf House is Habitat for Humanity’s most recent charity child, and is projected to be a combination food pantry, meeting hall, and transitional housing.
After hours of carrying drywall and spackling walls, the Delta Chi Fraternity has helped to bring the local community one small step closer to ending poverty.

Our local chapter of the Delta Chi Fraternity is incessantly promoting their core values: Friendship, Character, Justice and Education.
Through their efforts with The V Foundation and more recently their partnership with Habitat for Humanity, Delta Chi is slowly but surely proving to the local community that fraternity men are not the party animals portrayed in the movies, but are the scholars and gentlemen of our generation.
With future endeavors such as these, it may be possible for local fraternities to restore the perception of Greek-life to that of the scholarly and social elite that it was in the heydays of fraternities.
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