By David Nostrand
Copy Editor
On March 26, the Madelon Powers Gallery opened its annual Student Art Association’s Juried Student Art Exhibition.
Following the last exhibit, which featured work exclusively from David Stabley, the current exhibit is comprised entirely from the work of ESU students.
During the gallery’s opening reception, prizes were awarded in a variety of categories. Christy Flynn won first place for her untitled inkjet print. Second place went to Erika Erdmann’s photography entitled My View, while third prize was awarded to Paul Burke’s ironically titled Lackluster Still Life.
A special prize for Best 3-D Award also went to Christy Flynn, for Metal Petals, a piece comprised of antique silver spoons.
Honorable mentions went to Chelsea Oplinger for Keep Going, Lindsay Godin for Immersion, Chris Hingley for The Mind of Bruce Lee, and Crystal Prince for Still Life.
This student art exhibit took submissions from any student who wanted to get his or her work considered for exhibition, meaning the artwork on display doesn’t necessarily come from only the University’s art majors.

The work featured in the gallery reflects this communal ideology, as there is a variety in the kind of pieces displayed.
There are the usual mix of two- and three-dimensional artwork, such as photography, including Erdmann’s lovely second-place winner, and mixed media sculptures.
Other interesting additions to the exhibit are a custom-made Barbie dress and a full-sized costume that would not look out-of-place in a professional stage production.
Although the quality level is not even throughout the exhibit (the sculptures made from household objects looked a bit simplistic and uninspired next to some of the more technically impressive pieces), there is enough impressive artwork to please just about anybody who stops by.
A selection of comic books made during ESU’s 12 Hour Comic-Thon can also be found in the exhibit.
This workshop gave graphic novel fans a chance to create their own illustrated stories, and the results featured in the gallery show off the enthusiasm students hold for the graphic novel medium.
Considering these comics were created in only a few hours, the final products turned out polished and engaging.

The Student Art Association’s Exhibit will continue to be on display at the Fine Arts and Performing Center’s Madelon Powers Gallery until April 18.
The Madelon Powers Gallery is open for free to the public. Its hours are Monday, Tuesday, and Friday 11 AM to 4 PM and Wednesday and Thursday 11AM to 7 PM.
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