By Verones Padilla
SC Staff Writer
The brothers of Kappa Delta Rho will host the second annual Stroudsburg Strut 5k on Saturday, April 12. The race will begin at 11:30 AM for competitive runners and at 11:45 for non-competitive participants.
The original cost to participate, originally $15 for pre-registration and $20 for day of registration, has changed. In response to criticism over price of the race, Kappa Delta Rho has dropped the price to a $10 flat rate for anyone who wants to participate. They have agreed to refund the difference for anyone who has already registered.
The price was set as a fundraising goal. Last year the Psi Beta chapter was able to raise $1600 for their national philanthropy, The B+ Foundation. They hoped that the increase in price would help them meet their $2000 goal for this year.
The B+ Foundation was created in honor of Andrew McDonough from Wilmington, Delaware who was diagnosed with Leukemia. His family was inspired by McDonough’s positive attitude while battling cancer.
They founded the organization to provide emotional and financial support for families with children with cancer. The organization also provides funding for cancer research grants in search for cures and advancements in treatments. 100 percent of the proceeds raised at the 5k will go to The B+ Foundation.
Rob Marrow, a member of Kappa Delta Rho, came up with the course that begins at the Quad. The course will go up past the Fine Arts Building through St. Mary’s field, down Normal Street and back up into the Quad.

Anyone who pre-registers with Kappa Delta Rho will receive a free t-shirt. There will also be raffle prizes that include gift cards to some local stores and establishments. DJ Mike Lloret will be providing entertainment, and refreshments will be served at the finish line.
Kappa Delta Rho’s president, Billy Lacriox, hopes people will help promote a cause that is very important to their organization. They hope this race is bigger and better than the race was last year. As a whole, the organization is open to feedback to make the event a success.
Kappa Delta Rho was established at ESU in 1996 and have 31 active brothers on campus. For information on the race or to register contact Billy Lacroix, fraternity president, at or Jazmyn Pulley, assistant director of student activities, at
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