Photo Credit / Jamie Reese
By Colleen Rupp
SC Staff Writer
It is something we would all love to do — travel.
Most of us say it is our dream, or we have a certain place we have wanted to travel to since we were kids.
It may even be on our bucket list, so why don’t we do it?
A lot of us decide not to travel because we do not have the money.
Yet, right now is the perfect time to get the experience of travelling to another country.
You can travel as a college student by studying abroad for a semester, or if you are lucky you may be able to do so for a whole year.

There are tons of study abroad opportunities available.
ESU has plenty of options that can allow you to gain credit, but if you want to go somewhere else, there are plenty of independent companies that you can study abroad with and then transfer the credits back to ESU.
Right now is the perfect time to study abroad.
These opportunities are normally cheaper than you could ever afford on your own after school, so why would you ever miss out on a great experience and earn college credits?
There are tons of benefits to studying abroad.
First, it gets you immersed in another culture. You can learn a new language, new customs, and plenty of history while abroad.
“Why not experience a lifestyle different from your own? It is an adventure you’ll never forget! I could go on and on about the benefits,” said Stacey Gray, an ESU student that is currently studying in Spain and teaching English to young students.
Next, it is cheap.
Most study abroad experiences that are being offered right now through ESU include room and board, travel while you are in the country, and lots of excursions.
The only thing you have to worry about is ESU tuition, travel to and from the country, and spending money.
Some of the trips do group rates for travel as well.
Another great benefit of studying abroad is it separates you from the crowd when applying for jobs.
If you go to a job interview with people who have the same qualifications, you can talk about your experience in another country to help set yourself apart.
This looks great because you can show that you have a different experience in which you learned to be in a new environment.
“Life is all about networking, why not build relationships outside of your comfort zone. It’s an experience you will never forget; and never regret, I promise,” said Emelie Paulino, an ESU senior who also studied in Spain for a semester.
Emelie wishes she could go back to Spain again and stay longer this time because it was one of the best experiences she has ever had.
ESU has multiple summer programs going on and semester abroad opportunities which are posted on their website — http://www4.esu.edu/academics/international_programs/study/index.cfm.
So if you want to travel, don’t wait. Get started now and earn some extra class credits, it could be the experience of a lifetime.
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