BY The Stroud Courier Editorial Board
A paper-ballot re-vote for the Student Senate President and Vice-President positions will take place Wednesday and Thursday this week due to an undisclosed error in the previous voting process.
ESU Students will be able to cast their vote at the election booth in the Courtyard outside of the Student Union from 10 AM to 6 PM both days.
Justin Amann is the type of leader who will help any student. He’ll stop what he’s doing and spend hours researching Greek Life leaders so that he can perfect a letter of recommendation.
When we were slipping and sliding in the winter — because ESU couldn’t keep up with the mountains of snow — Amann called for action from President Welsh on social media and from his office phone.
When our grades did not come in on time last semester, he answered hundreds of questions from students, and he yelled at administration for their lack of cooperation.
If a student asks for something that he doesn’t know the answer to, Amann will find one.
He will do anything for ESU students.

Melissa Ciment has served the Student Senate as Special Events Chair for the past academic year. Last weekend’s Community on the Quad was a success because of her leadership efforts.
She has a passion for ESU that translates to her dedication as a student leader. She is always available to students and hopes that this translates to an informal open-door policy with her constituents in the Fall.
She will do anything for ESU students.
For these and many other reasons, we, The Editorial Board of The Stroud Courier, enthusiastically endorse President Justin Amann for a second term and Melissa Ciment for Vice-President. We hope that the student body of ESU will make their voices heard at the polls this week.