By Glenn Geiser-Getz
For The Stroud Courier
Dr. Glenn Geiser-Getz, Professor of Communication Studies, will teach a special section of CMST 111 GE: Speech Communication this summer that may be of interest to students who want to enter the professional world following graduation.
The course will remain faithful to the course description in the ESU catalog, which indicates that it “includes an introduction to the study and application of some principles of dyadic communication, small group interaction, and public speaking, in addition to listening skills.”
However, this section will also feature a focus on business and professional communication, leadership studies, completing professional tasks in small groups, and dealing positively with conflict in the workplace.
Although these topics resonate with most ESU students, they seem especially relevant to students who have thought about careers in sales, business, and management.
As a summer class, there may be fewer students enrolled than during a typical fall or spring semester, so there is likely to be more individualized attention given to students.
If you would like to take CMST 111 GE: Speech Communication either for your major or for “Arts and Letters: Performing Arts” general education credits (or both … or just as an elective) there are seats available in a special section that is designed with your needs in mind.
CMST 111 GE: Speech Communication course is being offered in the first summer session, May 19 to June 13, from 8 AM to 11 AM Monday through Thursday in Monroe Hall 116. The CRN number for the course is 60112.

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Phone: 570-422-3585