New View for ESU Marching Band

By Amy Lukac
SC Staff Writer

The ESU marching band is under new direction for the 2014-2015 season.

Mr. Timothy Eick is the new marching band director and brings with him 28 years of marching band experience and a new sense of direction for the organization.

The ESU Marching Band started in Fall 2005 when it made its debut at the Eiler-Martin Stadium for the first time in 20 years.

The ESU Marching Warriors perform during the fall season at all home football games and select away games.

All students who participate in Marching Band are eligible for Warrior Band Spirit Scholarships, other scholarships depending on level of participation, and for the newly established Kathryn A. Mullins Memorial Band Scholarship according to the department’s website.

Eick has been in marching activity as a performer, instructor, designer and director throughout Western New York and Pennsylvania.

“I have been involved in every capacity of band in high school, college, and Drum Corps, winning various state titles and world championships,” he said.

He has been involved with the ESU Marching Warriors as a music arranger and adjudicator for the last 4 years.

With his staff, Jim Wilson, percussion, and Franko Robinson, show producer and color guard, he hopes to bring a sense of entertainment and artistry to the program.

“The goal and focus for the Marching Warriors is to not become band members in uniform marching on a field, but to invoke a sense of being entertainers—to create an image that draws students to ESU and the marching band program,” Eick added.

According to Eick, he is very excited to be on board at the University and is very pleased with the work ethic that the current students are demonstrating.

He is also please by the acceptance of the marching programs from other universities.

Eick believes a strong core is needed to create the foundation for a young program to rebuild and thrive.

That core has been set from day one and the future is bright for the Marching Warriors at East Stroudsburg University to become the Pride of the Poconos!

ESU Marching Warriors are dedicated to their craft and the pride can be heard during their performances for the crowds.

On top of college select college games, they will be traveling to band festivals at Easton High School, North Pocono High School, and Crestwood High School to perform in exhibition.

Show your pride for the ESU Marching Warriors by attending the home football games.

Football games are free to students with an ESU ID.

If you have any questions about their performances or would like to become a member of the Marching Warriors, feel free to contact Mr. Eick at or at

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