We Live Here, Keep it Clean

Bottles of alcohol left in a tree on the campus of ESU. Photo Credit / Abigail Dobrowolski
Bottles of alcohol left in a tree on the campus of ESU. Photo Credit / Abigail Dobrowolski
Bottles of alcohol left in a tree on the campus of ESU.
Photo Credit / Abigail Dobrowolski

By Jenny Bront
SC Staff Writer

For fifteen weeks at a time, the East Stroudsburg University campus is our home, for better or worse, so we need to take care of it.

We need to respect it, other students, and the employees who work to maintain it, but students seem to thrive on doing just the opposite.

One thing that is abhorrent, especially for students in college, is sticking gum underneath your desk.

It is a disgusting habit and needs to be eradicated. Nobody wants to touch someone else’s used gum.

It is vile and immature, and for college students to be doing such a thing is pathetic.

Find a garbage can or wrap it up in a piece of paper and throw it out later, but do not stick it underneath your desk.

Another thing students do is leave behind their messes for others to clean up.

In the Union, for example, there are signs that clearly say to bus your own table, but some students do not.

It is not difficult to get a napkin and wipe off any crumbs, liquids, or messes for the next person; it is just common courtesy.

Littering is yet another form of disrespect rampant on this campus. It seems that the parking lots are the major victims in this crime.

There are enough garbage cans on campus to avoid this, so let’s keep our home clean.

Similarly, there has been a rise of dog feces on the campus.

Whether this is from campus visitors, students bringing their pets, or both, it is unsightly and unhealthy. It is the owner’s duty to clean up after their dog’s duty.

Parking is another issue. There are a limited number of spots open for students and faculty, so respect the space you are given.

Park inside the white lines, because it gets very difficult to enter and exit the spot if a car is parked incorrectly.

Moreover, it throws everyone else off as well. If you cannot park well the first time, take a second to back out and park again.

Overall, you should be polite to everyone: students, faculty members, and workers. We are on this journey together whether we like it or not, so let us make the best of the experience.

Let’s think of others and how they feel before doing anything disrespectful.

Let us continue to hold doors open, to say please and thank you, to clean up after ourselves, and to leave enough space for others.

Let us show society that we are in fact adults and not disrespectful, immature, and irresponsible children.

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