By Samantha Sheridan
SC Staff Writer
On Friday, October 24, a bonfire was held in the rugby field behind Dansbury as one of the many Homecoming activities. A deejay was present and played on and off between 7:30-9:30 PM and called the winners for the raffles.
Small bonfires were placed around the field so students could make s’mores. The Men’s Rugby team had a table giving away apple cider and candy apples.
Outdoor games were placed all over the field including a beanbag toss and a ladder toss game.
About halfway through the night, the bonfire was lit with the help of the East Stroudsburg Fire Department and ESU’s security officers. The area was roped off for the safety of the students. ESU’s football coach, Denny Douds, made a speech about Warrior spirit, which was followed by a performance by ESU cheerleaders.
When asked about the event, students had an uplifting and extremely positive outlook. Brian Mbuthia, a junior business and finance major, said, “It was good to see so much of the school out on such an event spreading spirit because this is the first time we have done something like this in 20 years.”
Another student, Nicole Werrell, who is a senior early education major, stated, “I’ve never really seen much school spirit in my three previous years here, so to see a bunch of students coming together at a school event was really nice.”
All of the club sports that were hosting the event got up on stage towards the end of the night and said whom they were and when their next Homecoming game was.
Due to the volume of the event and the low volume of the microphone, it was very hard to hear anything anyone said when they were up on stage.
The event was mostly a social gathering for students to get together and support all of the sports, recognized and club, at their university.
Although the event ended at 9:30 PM, all the tables with refreshments and s’mores were closed down an hour prior to the ending of the event, and the only other thing to do was to dance to the deejay.
Towards the end of the night, it was announced that the Homecoming Queen and King would be Elizabeth Smith Porter and Chris Smith.
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