Photo Credit / Rebecca Jasulevicz
The following information is courtesy of an Official ESU Email and the ESU Foundation Website.
Glenn and Sue Ann Reibman Annual Scholarship is available for the 2014/2015 academic year in the amount of $2,000
Established by Glenn and Sue Ann Reibman, recipients may be enrolled in any undergraduate major at ESU. Recipients must be full-time students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 who have not received any other financial aid. Selected by the ESU Scholarship Committee.
Tannersville Lions Club Annual Scholarship is available for the Fall 2014 semester in the amount of $500
Established by the Tannersville Lions Club, recipients may be enrolled in any undergraduate major at ESU. Recipients must have completed at least 30 credits and be in good academic and social standing. Additionally, recipients must have graduated from Pocono Mountain East High School and be presently active in a Monroe County volunteer organization or community service club (i.e. Lions, Rotary, Elks, etc.). The scholarship will be awarded to a different student each year. Selected by the ESU Scholarship Committee.
The Housing Authority of Monroe County Annual Scholarships are available for the 2014/2015 academic year in the amount of $1,000
Established by the Housing Authority of Monroe County, recipients may be enrolled in any undergraduate major at ESU. Recipients must be residents of either the Section 8 program or Public Housing program of the Housing Authority of Monroe County and full-time students at ESU in good academic and social standing. Selected by the ESU Scholarship Committee.
Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union (PSECU) Annual Scholarships are available for the 2014/2015 academic year in the amount of $1,000

Established by the Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union, recipients can be any undergraduate major. Recipients must be a member in good standing with PSECU. Recipients must have completed at least 15 credits with a minimum overall GPA of 2.6. Preference to students with financial need as determined by FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Selected by the ESU Scholarship Committee.
Therese Macaluso Endowed Scholarship is available for the 2014/2015 academic year in the amount of $410
Established in memory of Therese M. Macaluso ’87, recipients must be Education majors. Preference will be given to non-traditional students (over age 21) returning to college from the workforce majoring in Education. Financial need as determined by FAFSA is required and will be given primary consideration. Recipients must be incoming freshmen. Selected by the ESU Admissions Office.
Class of 1962 Annual and Endowed Scholarships (currently only available to Health & Physical Educations majors for the 2014/2015 academic year) in the amount of $2,670
Please note that no information for this scholarship was made available on the ESU Foundation website.
The criteria, which are very specific for these scholarships, can be found on the ESU Foundation website at www.esufoundation.org/otherscholarships. Most information has already been supplied here. Applications can be found for these scholarships at this web address.