By Jenny Bront
SC Staff Writer
Have you ever found yourself on campus looking for something to do? Well, ESU offers a variety of events and activities through organizations such as the Student Activity Association and more, but students do not seem to be utilizing what is offered to them.
The wide variety of events should appeal to different types of people. We have activities ranging from academic in nature to cultural events, so there is usually something to do for every major and every interest.
Special education and middle level English major Brittany Riker said, “I went to an event in which you were able to play games and get to know children and adults with disabilities, and it was rewarding not only for us but for them as well, because it creates a sense of belonging.”
She continued, “I love being a part of it and would do it again anytime.” Riker had found her niche, but what stops others from doing the same? Junior Kendrick Diaz suggested, “It is because of a lack of advertising.”
One way of improving attendance at events is to improve advertising efforts. Because there are only a handful of flyers, which are hung in communal spots overcrowded by everything else and little word of mouth, smaller events can come and go unnoticed.
Even with the ESU emails we get, the events are all the way at the bottom—and who really has time to read through everything? Why is it one can hear about a concert all over campus, but when a local author comes to talk, it is known only by a select few?
It also seems to be that other than mandatory events, students don’t seem bothered to get involved with anything. They do not wish to get involved in anything that can nourish their brains and make them think; they only wish to destroy them.
But what can be done about this? Teachers can require students to attend events or provide them with extra credit, but they can give them a chance to choose.
Event planners can start advertising well before the actual event occurs so that planning can be done. They can also ask professors to give students this information as well.
Instead of having cumulative emails, a separate email can be sent out just listing the activities planned for the week.
If there are no events that seem interesting, students are welcome to come to the meetings of these organizations and request something, email them with their request, or even join the group or groups and make it happen.
Perhaps with the right information and awareness and some help from administrators, professors, and the student body, we can all get involved and enjoy our four (or more) years in wholesome and healthy ways.
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