Photo Credit / Amy Lukac
By Amy Lukac
Opinion Editor
I have next to zero complaints about ESU. The main issue I have is with the attendance policy. I would like to start this article by presenting this issue from a “good” student’s point of view.
I am one of many that love to attend my classes. Whether the classes I sign up for are boring or not, I am still getting to learn and move on to achieving my degree. I am not the kind of student that wants to skip class if the weather is nice or to watch Netflix all day.
I am a student that wishes to not attend class when I am sick, and when the weather is bad in my town.
I’ve always wanted to write an opinion article on attendance policies. From my semesters here at ESU, I’ve learned that every professor has a different policy. Some professors allow students up to 4 absences, where others allow only 2. I believe I stated the biggest problem about these policies already. Let me repeat, professors ALLOW.
I do not wish to come off as a reckless student who wants more time to one’s self, but I just don’t agree with the “allow” part of this. Students pay for their college educations, and a good chunk of that pays professors’ salaries. I feel that if I am paying my own way through school, I should be able to decide when I go to class.
Let me add a crucial point here. If my opinion actually turned into the real deal, a student barely coming to class is an issue, but it is her or his own issue. I can see how that would affect the student choosing to abandon class. But if students decide to come to a few classes here and there, then that is their mistake and their bad grade.
Another aspect of the attendance policy that bothers me is the fact that many professors refuse to take doctor’s notes. I think that is the worst part about some policies. If a student was sick, why would professors want them to come into class and spread their germs to everyone else?

Also, saying you’re sick and proving you’re sick with a doctor’s note is a whole different story.
Some students will e-mail their professors and tell them they are sick, just to see if they can get away with an absence. Although that never works, a note from a doctor should.
Lastly, the weather is unpredictable. I think we can all agree with that from recent experiences. The weather is also very different from city to city, and sometimes even town to town.
I’m not a meteorologist, but I can tell you that half the time it’s raining at ESU, it’s snowing where I live. Commuters that live in colder climates should be able to decide if they want to risk their life or their car’s life just to go to a class or two.
Recently, ESU has been getting the same type of weather where I live, but next week I could look out my window and see snow, and my friend living on campus will see rain.
“I think most of the attendance policies are fair for students, and attendance is vital to success. On the other hand, some professors expect students to come to every class when their lectures are simply notes read word-for-word from PowerPoints,” said sophomore Victoria Costello, a psychology major here at ESU.
In all, I can say that I will never agree with the attendance policy. I find myself constantly worrying about too many absences when I come down with a sickness, or when the weather forces me to stay in my driveway. I feel as if the policies are pointless, and just causes more stress than needed.
Again, if students want to skip classes for fun, and miss notes or important information, then that is on them. But for the students that have legitimate reasons to stay home, that should be their decision.
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