Photo Credit / Jamie Reese
By Jamie Reese
Following the segment on Residence Life and Housing, students were given the opportunity at the Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday to interact with representatives from University Police, primarily concerning parking.
Richard Stoddard, Manager of Parking & Transportation and ESU Alum, began this segment by giving students a perspective on parking.
Stoddard said, “We have 15 commuter lots on campus, with a total of 1,414 spaces. Our occupancy in those lots peaks at 11:00 AM with 82 percent occupancy … Currently we have 1,983 valid commuter parking permits.”
He continued, “We have five resident lots, with a total of 446 spaces. Occupancy peaks at 1:00 PM at 89 percent, but pretty much remains constant all day … We currently have 311 valid resident parking permits. Resident lots are also used for special student parking, available to students not eligible for parking that show a need, medical or otherwise.
Stoddard also spoke about shuttle services. The shuttle service operates from 7:30 AM to 10:30 PM on weekdays. The shuttle moves between several locations on and off-campus.
The newly tested pilot program that runs from 8:30 PM to 2:30 AM on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday has also been extended for the rest of the semester due to a successful trial.

These shuttle services make various stops on-campus, as well as off-campus, via several different shuttles and routes. Locations off-campus include Walmart and Main Street.After Stoddard spoke, the room was opened up to questions and suggestions related to parking, addressed by Stoddard and Robin Olson, Chief of Police.
Some students suggested starting Ridge shuttle services at 7:00 or 7:15 AM, so students could get to campus early. They also suggested having a number to call to beckon the shuttle to the Innovation Center and Fine Arts at certain hours.
Other students voiced concerns with ESU Mobile, which provides a shuttle tracking service. Stoddard and Olsen affirmed this concern would be addressed.
More information on shuttle services is available online.
Stoddard and Olsen also addressed an alleged plan to build a parking garage.
Stoddard said, “As the University grows and becomes more robust and successful, we’re going to invest in our parking facilities then.” These changes will not likely be implemented until 2018 or beyond due to projected need.
One student also questioned what time officers typically start ticketing.
Stoddard said, “ESU parking regulations are in effect 24/7. Generally officers will begin ticketing when they come in at 8:00 AM.” According to Stoddard, overnight parking enforcement is typically limited to illegal parking, such as unauthorized use of handicapped spots.
For more information, please contact Campus Police. Their contact information is online. The next Town Hall Meeting is scheduled for April 1 and will host dining services.
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