By Nicholas Chidiac
SC Contributing Writer
On Thursday, April 2, the V.O.I.C.E. Center and the Calliope Literary Magazine are joining forces to honor Sexual Assault Awareness Month with an art show and poetry reading in room 117 of Stroud Hall.
Students will perform and showcase their original work on a broad range of personal and inspiring topics that include, but are not limited to tributes to victims or survivors, healthy relationships, family, outrage, the law, a man’s perspective, and activism.
Submissions are welcome so that anybody with a strong opinion on subjects related these can speak out against their demons and the demons of their loved ones.
The Victims Options in the Campus Environment (V.O.I.C.E.) Center has been speaking out against the perversion that is sexual assault since their formation.
Through a partnership with Women’s Resources of Monroe County, the center was established to provide a safe haven to individuals who have been in some way affected by rape, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking to both explore their options, and heal.
To continue to spread awareness of issues such as these that still unfortunately plague our society, the V.O.I.C.E. Center is hosting a display of artistic talents where people can literally and figuratively speak their minds using the art form of their choice.

In order to coordinate an event like this, the V.O.I.C.E. Center has teamed up with East Stroudsburg University’s very own Calliope Literary Magazine to find the best and brightest young talent on and around campus.
Calliope has a long history of excellence due to the creative minds that work hard by submitting and editing works of fiction and nonfiction, visual creations, and poetry that illuminate the spirit and explore the human condition.
If you would like to join in the group effort rid the world of this horrible affliction or would just like to find out the options that you or someone you know has as a victim sexual abuse or harassment, contact the V.O.I.C.E. Center via email at, or call 570-422-3225.
If you would like to submit a piece of work to the Calliope Literary Magazine, send it to or attend one of their weekly meetings.
Email Nicholas at: