This Year’s Competition is a Step Up From the Rest

By Amanda Schreck

SC Staff Writer

Get ready to dance along during ESU’s 3rd Annual Patricia Graham Step Show on March 21 from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) with help from the Student Activities Association will be sponsoring an event that brings together not only ESU’s Greek Life step and strolling teams, but the student body as well.

Most of the teams are from Pennsylvania including ESU’s Explosion Step Team, and Greek Life’s Cappa Alpha Psi, Mu Sigma Upsilon, and Lambda Sigma Upsilon. Also teams traveling from West Chester University’s Lambda Alpha Epsilon and two teams from Morgan State and Susquehanna University’s Phi Beta Sigma teams will also be performing and competing for top prizes.

Reading and East Stroudsburg South high school teams will also be performing in this event.

Cash prizes of $500 will be awarded for first place in the step competition and for first place in the strolling competition, $300 will be awarded.

Teams and anyone with their dancing shoes on will gather together for music and dancing in one collaborative after show.

Director of OMA, Cornelia Sewell-Allen said, “Traditionally Greek organizations tend to stroll in party settings. So, whatever choreography they come up for their organization, it’s a tradition to stroll throughout the party.”

Sewell-Allen hopes that the step show educates students on the multicultural history on campus and bring awareness those sororities. “Devine Nine organizations have educated our campus on our rich history. Cappa Alpha Psi is our only Devine Nine organization for black sororities on campus, and we hope in the near future to bring more of those organizations back.”

She also hopes that Greek Life will continue to grow on campus specifically through events like these.

“It’s really important to show what this culture looks like and give exposure to this entertainment. When organizations step or stroll they’ll sometimes give history of their organization. We see the need to expand multicultural Greek Life and we have four represented and we hope to expand,” said Sewell-Allen.

Patricia Graham made her mark on ESU’s campus as chair of the Intercultural and Interdisciplinary studies Department and Advisor to the Prince Hall Program.

She also taught Intercultural Perspectives and Women of the African Diaspora classes.

“She’s always been a supporter of all students and students of color. The students she had an impact on said she was so kind and inviting, and they wanted to continue the legacy of African Americans and multicultural students on campus,” said Sewell-Allen.

Sewell-Allen also said that students believe this is a way to instill her legacy on campus and bring even more awareness, “Starting the program and race relation programs she is missed on this campus. We believe having this in her honor is just a small token for the honor she deserves. She sponsors the program every year, and she goes every year.”

Last year’s show was packed and was standing room only, so OMA is hopeful that it will be again this year. Prices for the event are: $10 for show and after party, $7 for show, and $5 for after party only. So, get your dancing shoes ready.

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