Photo Courtesy / Delta Chi
By Phuong Le
SC Contributing Writer
Recently, there has been a lot of negative publicity for fraternities. Even before that, there was the typical “frat boy” stereotype.
On April 3, East Stroudsburg University’s Delta Chi and Sigma Pi came together to change that stigma.
The two social fraternities joined forces and cleaned up Analomink Street and South Green Street.
The community service chairs for each fraternity, Seth Kardon (Delta Chi) and David Reciniello (Sigma Pi), coordinated the event. While the fraternities each have their own street clean ups, Kardon believed that having both fraternities out in the community would be a positive image.
“It’s really important to get community service hours, which we all do,” Kardon said.
“It’s also really fun to have the Sigma Pi guys out here with us. It’s fun and it helps East Stroudsburg out,” he continued.
While the event was taking place, former Sigma Pi vice president Kyle Berwick looked over at all of the fraternity men picking up trash.

He smiled before stating that he “loves the idea of fraternities working together.” He added, “I will graduate soon, but I want to see this continuing on for a long time.”
As the guys finished up cleaning the streets and came together to take a group photo, current Delta Chi president Riley Corpac realized that he would soon graduate as well.
“I think Berwick is right,” he said, “It’s nice to see the younger guys build this brotherhood beyond our own fraternities. I hope we keep working with the Sigma Pi guys.”
Both fraternities ended the day with big garbage bags and bigger smiles.
The sight of over forty fraternity men coming together for a good cause would make anyone smile though.
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