Photo Courtesy / Amy Lukac
By Kathleen Kraemer
On Sept. 1 from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m., ESU held its fall club fair outside on the quad.
Student Senate President Drew Johnson welcomed everyone to the fair with confetti cannons and free condoms thrown off the sky bridge shouting, “Welcome to club fair! Safe sex is great sex!”
The fair had tables from a number clubs and groups across campus like Rotaract, Rugby, WESS, Christian Fellowship, sororities and fraternities.
There were also table for other campus fixtures such as PSECU and Career Development.
At each table, you could find information, activities, special treats and knick-knacks and enthusiastic members eager for you to sign up for their clubs.
After speaking to many students roaming the fair, it was clear that people were very excited for the new semester and keen to get involved in the different clubs our school has to offer.
There were regular flurries of activity as the Gospel Choir sang as students passed by and the Drama club danced to the Nae Nae in the middle of the walkway.

PSECU was giving out sunglasses by tossing them into the crowd, and Career Development had a large fluffy dog they walked around to draw attention.
“The club fair is the perfect way for students to make new lasting friendships, becoming a part of a community, and being surrounded by a bunch of people who are passionate about the same things,” said Christina Martinez, an ESU student who attended club fair.
It was also an opportunity for clubs to show the students what they are all about and to recruit new members for the upcoming semesters.
“The Stroud Courier got around 30 new sign-ups at the club fair. These new members will be really beneficial to making our paper the best it has ever been. We look forward to our new members and the new semester,” said Amy Lukac, senior and editor for the Stroud Courier.
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