By Kelly Granillo
SC Contributing Writer
According to the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) “recently released World Health Organization (W.H.O.) report: Preventing Suicide: A Global Imperative, over 800,000 people [commit] suicide across the world each year.”
Suicide and mental disorders have become a widespread concern within society; within the past 45 years suicide rates have increased by 65% according to W.H.O.
Reaching out to others with simple notions of care can impact an individual in a positive way.
This year the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) is using that same idea to launch their new theme for the 2015 World Suicide Prevention Day, Preventing Suicide: Reaching Out and Saving Lives.
The goal behind this year’s theme is to encourage people to offer support to those combating suicidal thoughts.
Many individuals succumb to suicide each year due to the overwhelming feelings of negative thoughts.
According to the IASP it is our job as a community, state and nation not only to be aware of this issue, but also to make it our job to help reach out.
The IASP is asking that today, Sept. 10, 2015, everyone check on someone you may be concerned about, individuals who are suffering with mental disorders, suicidal thoughts, or even those who have lost someone to suicide.
Helping an individual to connect with a support group or providing the suicide hotline number can help a struggling individual one way or the other.
This year, IASP wants people to get informed and prepared to show care and concern to people in their community and ESU is doing just that.
The Counseling and Psychological Services and Active Minds of ESU are joining forces with IASP to reach out to the university and surrounding community.
Today on the grassy courtyard in front of the Science and Technology building, highly trained service dogs will be available to students to help relive stress and bring a smile to their face.
The dogs are not going to be here for just one day but rather every week on Tuesday’s 2-4 in the Science and Technology building and in the Flagler-Metzger building 2-4.
ESU is making is a note to continuously promote a positive well-being and a healthy mindset for students.
“By doing this, ESU students can give an individual contribution for a community conversation,” said Linda Van Meter, Department Chair of CAPS.
However, ESU is not stopping there: ESU is planning to create a stress free campus all year round and teach students more about mental health.
Suicides happen every day and could happen to anyone. This year ESU wants to make it our job to reach out and make note that the individual is card for. It may just save someone’s life.
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