By Brian Litterer
Pope Francis has ended his six-day US visit on Sept. 27, but his message to end the death penalty as well as other calls for action will resonate within the country long after he touches down in Rome.
Throughout his US tour from Sept. 22 to Sept. 27, Pope Francis voiced his views to end capital punishment, tackle the current climate crisis and spread small signs of love wherever you can.
As capital punishment is legal in thirty-one states, Pope Francis addressed congress to put an end to the death penalty in his speech on Thursday Sept. 24.
“I am convinced that this way is the best, since every life is sacred, every human person is endowed with an inalienable dignity, and society can only benefit from the rehabilitation of those convicted of crimes,” said Pope Francis in his speech.
On the same day as he broached the subject of capital punishment, Pope Francis also pointed to his hopes for brave actions towards an ever-worsening climate crisis.
“Advocates for climate action have been hoping that the pope will be able to shift the conversation on climate change in a Congress where the Republican majority has been hostile to the issue,” said Huffington Post reporter Kate Sheppard.
On Friday Sept. 25, Pope Francis addressed the United Nations (U.N.) on its failure to fulfill its mission and purpose.

“The pope implied that the U.N. and its member nations, including the U.S., had lost sight of the common humanity they are obligated to serve,” said Huffington Post reporter Daniel Marans.
Millennials are most apt to seriously consider Pope Francis’s messages, as this generation is the one who will inherit the world’s current issues, debates and policies.
“Francis asked families to offer gestures of kindness to children, with the hope that those children will be more inclined to love and help others, regardless of differences and disagreements,” said NBC News reporters Elisha Fieldstadt and Tracy Connor.
On the final day of his tour, Pope Francis offered one final and important message imploring his audience to spread little signs of love.
“I leave you with a question, a question for each of you to answer: In my own home, do we shout, or do we speak to each other in love and tenderness? That’s a good way of measuring our love,” said Pope Francis.
In a hostile world, Pope Francis calls for the use of advanced science, communication and love to solve our problems.