By Rachel Nappo
Contributing Writer
ESU’s radio station, 90.3 WESS has a wide variety of certified disc jockeys.
Michael Eccleston, a senior communications major, has been a part of the WESS family for a little over a year.
Eccleston spends his airtime ranting about New York and Philadelphia sports alongside sophomore cohost Jeff Quake.
Eccleston realized he wanted to give talking on the radio a try when one of his friends approached him about doing it.
He was a little nervous at first, but once he went on the air everything felt natural.
When it comes to his co-host, Jeff Quake tends to keep the peace throughout the talk show. However, Eccleston likes to speak his mind.
“I love ranting. I [am] brutally honest and rarely hold back. It [is] the way radio should be. Speaking the truth,” says Eccleston.
Eccleston fondly remembers the time on the show is when he ranted about the Giants losing to the Jaguars. He got very emotional and “just let go of everything.”
“Being emotional makes it more fun. It is entertainment. You have to tell the truth,” explains Eccleston.
Eccleston has plenty of experience working with sports. Over the summer, he interned for ESPN radio in the Lehigh Valley and, for a short period of time, wrote around 80 articles for a blog.
In addition to all this, Eccleston runs his own Mets blog, “Questionably Amazin’ Mets,” along with a Facebook page and WordPress blog, “New York Sports Today,” with over 800 followers.
Eccleston will be graduating in December with the hopes of securing a job working in the sports industry writing and broadcasting.
Until then, though, you can catch him on the radio on Saturdays from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m and Sundays 10 a.m. until 12 p.m.
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