By Crystal Smith
Staff Writer
Yes, children are the future. Yes, children are cute. Yes, children can change the way a person sees the world, but the life I want for myself does not involve children.
It is economically devastating to grow up in this world. Student loan debt is astronomical and is forcing graduates to take on jobs that have nothing to do with their degrees.
I would never want a child of mine to be forced to take on a job that isn’t their absolute dream. Nor would I want my child to have to resort to something illegal or unnecessary just to make ends meet. Also, I would never want my child or myself to wonder “what if?”
Economics are not the only devastating aspect of modern life, though. We are frequently dealing with people who are committing heinous crimes in school, colleges and public places.
Children are being gunned down and killed all across our country and the only reason we are given is because the murderer is clinically insane or depressed. That is not a good enough reason to allow a parent with a dead child to sleep at night.
Latchkey children, kids who come home to an empty house, are more common across this country because their parents are working from sunup to sundown to make ends meet.
This in turn, forces children to grow up with strangers or family members. How well do you know that stranger in a daycare? Can you even afford a decent daycare?
How many times has there been multiple news coverage on children being abused and even killed in the care of a “daycare” worker? I do not want to raise my child if I am not raising my child.
If you brought a child into this world, know the implications of not raising them. Time is precious and kids are growing into teenagers and adults faster then their parents can blink. Parents are taking on promotions to make more money for their families which in turn takes away all of their time.
Sure, a promotion means money, which makes life materially shinier, but missing a soccer game because of a meeting is not okay in my book. I believe a child needs parental support and parental guidance even if it is just a soccer game. It counts to them and they count on you to be there.
My last reason is because I can be on the selfish side. If I want to do something, I want to be able to do it right then and there. Spontaneous road trip across the country? Sure, just need to get some coverage at work for my bartending shifts.
If I feel like spending a few hundred bucks on new clothes, I want to do it and not worry about buying wipes and diapers. If I want to be able to go back to college at the age of 25 and graduate with my second degree, I am going to do it and not worry about being too tired for homework because of a child.
I do believe I would be a good parent but I would never want my child to want for necessities because no one can guarantee you tomorrow. I do not want my child to ever wonder or have concerns about their future their needs have not been met. I also helped raise my siblings and I feel as if I worry enough about them and their futures. I couldn’t imagine if I had my own.
Having a child is a life-changing event and if a person isn’t ready, the child will have to grow up on their own without the support and guidance he or she deserves. Every child deserves a bed to sleep in, food to eat and clothes on their back. Along with that they need encouragement, support and guidance.
I believe if a person isn’t able to guarantee those things to a child they are choosing to bring into this world, then they need to reevaluate their wants versus their needs.
This world is full of children that are waiting to be adopted and wanting to find a family because their biological parents couldn’t or didn’t want to take on the responsibilities they knew they had the minute they decided not to use protection.
Sadly, a majority of orphans will never have a stable home and will struggle as they grow up.
Of course, I wish expecting parents the very best and hope they make the best decisions for themselves and their children.
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