Sexual Assault Awareness Walk Unites Campus Community
By William Cameron
Managing Editor
More than 75 Warriors marched across East Stroudsburg University’s central campus Tuesday afternoon, promoting awareness of sexual assault on college campuses.
“No means no!” shouted Student Senator Daniel Watson through a megaphone, leading the group across the quad.
Several others began shouting, some even singing, along with Watson’s chant.
“We are the warriors in action,” announced Watson to on-lookers.
The event began with students performing live monologues in the first floor lounge area of the University Center.

With little warning or introduction, presenters placed throughout the lounge took turns standing and addressing the crowd of bystanders.
Each describing a situation of campus-relevant sexual assault, the performers quickly drew the attention of Center Court cafeteria patrons.
Watson delivered the final address, urging those present to join in a walk across campus to share a message of awareness.
“Who wants to stand up and be that Warrior in action, to walk with us and raise awareness of this ongoing issue?”
The gathered group left the University Center just after 2:15 p.m.
The march stopped at locations across campus where different student organizations enacted scenes relating to college life.
Each skit portrayed “the various ways sexual assault occurs on campuses,” according to information provided by ESU Women’s Center Coordinator Sharon A. Brown.
At each stop, more students joined the walk.
“Consent is hot, assault is not,” shouted Watson, reading the yellow banner he and fellow students carried at the front of the line.
Participants reached their final destination, the ESU Women’s Center on Normal Street, in roughly half an hour.
They were greeted with complimentary refreshments and resource information.
Watson thanked participants for their support.
Introductions from Brown as well as Jessie Boe and Jessica Lohmann of Women’s Resources of Monroe County followed.
Coordinators then concluded the event by asking participants to pin support ribbons to a clothesline display in remembrance of sexual assault victims.
Brown informed The Stroud Courier that the Women’s Center and Student Senate sponsored the event, with Watson at the helm planning.
Watson also holds a position in Student Senate’s Executive Board as chair of Student Affairs.
He says he wishes to recognize the organizations that helped make the event a success.
Those involved with the event include the Warriorettes, Alpha Sigma Tau, Musical Theatre Organization, Stage II, ESU Cheer Team, Theta Chi and Sigma Sigma Sigma.
The Women’s Center of ESU and Women’s Resources of Monroe County remind the campus community that sexual assault can happen to anyone.
Both organizations offer services through a collaborative program referred to as Victims Options in the Campus Environment, or V.O.I.C.E Center.
Resources include education, counseling, referral, emergency shelter, as well as legal and medical advocacy.
If you suspect that you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual assault, the V.O.I.C.E. Center offers a 24-hour hotline for assistance. All services are free and confidential.
V.O.I.C.E. Center 24-hour hotline: (570) 421-4200
More photos from this event can be found on
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