By Madison Petro
Staff Writer
Students in ESU’s stage and comic technique class will present a comedy showcase tonight, Dec. 3, at 7 p.m.
The showcase, titled “I Thought We Were Joking,” will take place in the Dale Snow Theatre in the Fine and Performing Arts Center. Admission is free for everyone.
“I Thought We Were Joking” includes comic performances in the form of improvisation games with audience participation, original skits and well-known comedic pieces.
Some of the well-known pieces include performances originally done by Bo Burnham and Monty Python, as well as others seen on Saturday Night Live and Mad TV.
The entire showcase will be performed by students in the stage and comic technique class on campus.
Although the students in the class are required to perform in the classroom, none of them are required to perform in public.
Because of this, those not performing in the showcase will run all other aspects of the show including lights, sound, house management, crew and publicity.

The showcase is under the direction of theatre professor Stephanie Daventry French, who teaches stage and comic technique.
Stage and comic technique, THTR 118, is a general education course offered in alternate years at ESU.
The class focuses on a range of comic performances and techniques including improvisations, Commedia Dell’arte, stereotypes, opposite genders and physical comedy.
The class is not about teaching the students how to be funny, but about teaching them to embrace creativity and go out of their comfort zones.
Throughout the class, students tend to grow in their performance skills, like relaxation, concentration and observation.
“I Thought We Were Joking” is a culmination of the best of all the performances and techniques students have learned in stage and comic technique throughout the semester.
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